Student Code of Conduct

Classroom & School Culture

Studying in Canada (in person or online) will be different from studying in your home country. Partner work, group work, group discussions, class presentation, and outside research are very common in schools in Canada. It is important to participate in these activities in order to improve your English.

Use every opportunity to practice your English. Ask a lot of questions and participate in class. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Remember, learning a language takes hard work and time. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the experience.

Questions or Concerns About Class

If you have a question or concern about your class, please speak to your instructor first. If you are not able to speak to your instructor, you are encouraged to speak to an Academic Coordinator.

On Campus Guidelines

Cell Phone Use in Class

Ask your instructor for classroom rules regarding cell phones.

Substance Use (Alcohol / Cannabis / Smoking)

In British Columbia, you must be 19 years old to buy cigarettes, alcohol, and cannabis (marijuana). If you are under 19 you must not use any of these substances.

On campus, smoking or vaping is not allowed within 6 meters of any entrance to any UBC building or window.

No Fragrance Policy

Please avoid the use of products with strong fragrances in consideration for people with allergies.


It is important to clean up after yourself. Keep the classroom clean and neat after each class. If you eat lunch, please clear up any spilled food or drink.

At the ELI, we are careful about how we dispose of waste. Please separate your garbage, recycling and compost in the correct bins.

After you use the washroom, please keep it clean and neat. Wash your hands using soap and water and dry your hands, counter and floor if you splash water on them.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Online Classes


  • Find a well-lit, quiet place to join class
  • Log on to class on time
  • Contact your instructor if you will be logging on late
  • Make sure your camera is turned on and that the microphone is working
  • Mute your microphone when you are not speaking
  • Dress appropriately for class
  • Use your first and last name online
  • Silence your cell phone and other devices while class is in session
  • Ask you instructor if you have any questions


  • Take a screenshot, photo, or record anyone or part of the course – this is not permitted by law
  • Have social media and other messaging open during class – please give class activities your full attention